Saturday, May 4, 2013

First Chainsaw Carving Class of the season!

Today is day 3 of our first chainsaw carving class of 2013. When you wait until May to host an outdoor class you'd think that the weather would be on your side. Nope, good ol' Mother Nature still has her undies in bunch. We've had crazy wind, rain, and some spittin' snow these last couple days. I have to say I am pretty impressed with the students though. They are handing the cold like champs. We've got a mix of people too, which I always like to see. We've got a really sweet gal from Illinois here carving, she's actually never really used a chainsaw except to trim a few branches, then there is guy who we know through our business from up north, he works with wood all the time but has never carved anything, and then a super nice older fellow who is retired, he attitude is so refreshing- he says at his age why can't he do it?! That's right, why can't you... It's never to late to learn anything I say. And Joe always says if you really want to figure it out, you will. These students have been out here carving for 8 hours a day in the cold; they really want to figure it out. They carved some bears the first two days of class and last night got started on carving some eagles. They are working on detailing them up right now. The last day of class is always one of the coolest. You watch the carvers load up their carvings and saws all full of smiles at what they have accomplished in the short time they were here. I will update our carving class page with our next class soon!